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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Health benefits of Kiwi fruit

Health benefits of Kiwi fruit ...

Kiwi is a mountainous fruit that is light brown in color. Various types of nutrients are found inside it. Within Kiwi are antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, proteins, folate (folic acid), potassium, iron and minerals.

Italy, New Zealand, Chile, Greece and France are the key producing countries of Kiwi fruit. This fruit is very sweet and delicious to eat, all people love kiwi food. 2 kiwi should be consumed in 1 day because it is very beneficial for health.  

Health benefits of Kiwi fruit

 * Benefits of joint pain and bone diseases 

Inside the kiwi there is potassium which relaxes the pain of muscles, bones and joints. At the age of 40-50, most men and women become victims of diseases related to bone such as arthritis (arthritis), osteoporosis. Due to these types of diseases, eating kiwi gives relief.

* Beneficial in stomach diseases 

The biggest advantage of eating kiwi is that it cures our digestive system. It contains fiber which helps digest food. It relieves stomach-related diseases like constipation, diarrhea, stomach ache, hemorrhoids. It is very beneficial for stomach disorders. Irritable bowel syndrome I must eat this fruit

* Beneficial for diabetes 

Diseases of diabetes can eat kiwi fruit. Eating it does not affect the level of glucose and diabetes gets relief in the disease.

* Beneficial in heart diseases 

By eating kiwi cardiovascular diseases can be avoided. Cholesterol is accumulated in the nerves of the heart (heart), which causes heart attack. By eating kiwi, cholesterol levels are low. Along with this, it helps to reduce bad cholesterol. Fibers and potassium contained inside Kiwi keep away from heart disease. By eating it, the body fat is reduced.

* Beneficial for pregnancy

Pregnant women should eat kiwi. This helps in the development of the child. Within kiwi there are elements such as folic acid, minerals, potassium, iron proteins, so doctors advise pregnant women to eat kiwi. 

* Disease resistance

There is disease resistance inside the Kiwi. Antioxidants and vitamin B are found in this, thereby increasing the immune system. Apart from this, it removes body fatigue, fatigue. The faster the agility increases. Most people in Western countries consumed kiwi fruit in breakfast. People with anemia disease also take Kiwi. 

* Insomnia, Sleep Disorder Beneficial in Diseases

Inside the Kiwi fruit, serotonin is found, which inspires insomnia in diseases like sleeping disorder. Therefore doctors recommend that 2 Kiwi should be eaten before sleeping. It gives a good sleep.

* Blood pressure controls

Within 100 grams of kiwi 312 mg potassium is found, which helps control blood pressure.

Within 100 grams of kiwi 312 mg potassium is found, which helps control blood pressure. 

* Beneficial in cold winter 

Those who suffer from cold winters, doctors recommend eating kiwi because vitamin C and antioxidant are abundant in it.

* Beneficial for eyes 

Eating Kiwi can prevent eye diseases. Vitamin A and antioxidant are found in this, which protects against eye diseases. Eyes are healthy for long periods of time. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) also prevents disease from aging.

* Beneficial in dengue and chickengunia

Diseases like dengue and chikungunya reduce platelets in the blood. In this, eating kiwi fruits increases the number of platelets. In this disease, doctors recommend eating two kiwi fruits every day. This fruit is very beneficial for dengue and chickengunia.

* Beneficial in asthma disease

People who have asthma disease should eat kiwi fruits. It contains vitamin C and antioxidant. It provides relief in asthma.

* Beneficial in ulcers

People who have ulcer problems should eat kiwi. There are many digestive enzymes present in them that relieve ulcers. Reduce pain.

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