Slim people will not be there now to increase embarrassment, increase weight, these 10 Ayurvedic methods...
In today's era where the whole world is adopting all the means of reducing weight and saying so much for it, there are some people who are troubled by the low weight of their body and want to increase it. In fact, the weight of the male or female body has been determined based on its length and age, with the help of which you can know whether your weight is appropriate for your length.
If you are one of those people who are very thin and use all kinds of supplements to gain weight, do not do this. You must be surprised to know that Ayurveda has provided such amazing tips that can help you to increase your weight easily, provided that you follow all his rules properly.
Here are 10 major Ayurvedic methods for weight gain with the help of which you can increase your weight in a healthy manner. Let's know:
1. Eat soybean
Increase the intake of soybean in your diet. Soya is rich in protein that plays an important role in muscle formation. If possible, eat fruit daily or drink fruit juice.
2. Eat red meat
If you can not do this, do it for at least 3 days in a week. If you are a carnivorous then eat red meat twice a week.
3. Add curd, ghee, milk
Include curd, ghee, milk, sugarcane, rice, black gram, and wheat in daily cuisine. All these things are very helpful in weight gain.
4. Performing Exercise
Weight gain does not necessarily mean that you stop exercising. In fact, it is important to exercise in order to increase the weight, so that the body's metabolism remains stable and the foods you eat are easily digested.
5. Include cloves, garlic, cardamom
Include a small amount of spices, such as cloves, garlic, cardamom, black pepper etc. in your diet. These spices also help to gain weight.
6. Have plenty of sleep at night
7. Chew and eat
Eat plenty of food and chew, never eat food in a hurry. Due to slow and chewing, more saliva is formed by digestion.
8. Never eat food while running mobile
9. Eat in peace
10. Do not drink more water before and after eating
Do not drink too much water before and after eating. If you need some small sip of water in time of accounting. Drink lukewarm water during the winter season.
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